

Industrial Process Control 
Assessment Plus 

Elevate your industrial assessment capabilities with IPCA+, the gold standard in evaluating Supplier industrial capacity within Airbus Group.



Learning Format

Presential Classrooms

Course Price

Price | €1850   *Early Bird | €1480

*Early bird - registration received 60 days in advance of training


2 Days



Next Sessions

No scheduled sessions.



About the course

IPCA+ is the most typical industrial assessment utilised throughout Airbus Group, ensuring Suppliers meet and exceed expectations. Tailored for Tier-1 and sub-tier suppliers, as well as potential collaborators responding to Airbus Call for Tenders, this course is designed to fortify your understanding of Industrial Process Capability Assessment Plus.




Training Catalogue 2024

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Skills you'll gain

Gain deep knowledge of IPCA+ and acquire essential expertise to elevate your industrial assessment capabilities.

  • Master the IPCA+ process and its alignment with Airbus Supplier Requirements (ASR and/or GRAMS/GRESS modules 345).
  • Navigate crucial documentation and prepare for seamless IPCA+ execution.
  • Acquaint yourself with the assessor's methodology and approach.
  • Comprehend the core elements: objectives, applicability, and Policy Team organisation.
  • Implement the IPCA+ tool practically, ensuring a comprehensive assessment process.

All you need to know

This course is for current Tier-1 and sub-tier suppliers to Airbus, as well as potential suppliers who are invited to respond to Airbus Call for Tenders or are already involved in the process.

There are no prerequisites, however we recommend you have attended the ‘Be An Airbus Supplier’ training or have some knowledge of the Airbus Supplier Requirements (ASR or GRAMS/GRESS module 3,4,5).

  • Explain the Industrial Process Capability Assessment Plus (IPCA+) process and the content in close relationship with the Airbus Supplier Requirements (ASR and /or GRAMS/GRESS modules 345).
  • Understand the associated documentation and prepare to perform IPCA+.
  • Become familiar with the assessors ways of working.

The course is two full days long, from 9am to 5pm each day.

  • Define the objectives, applicability, and Policy Team organisation.
  • Learn the documentation of roles (questionnaire, agenda, report, etc.) and main process steps.
  • Discover the assessment process - questionnaire, ranking, reporting.
  • Understand the quality requirements.

  • Sessions available in English. Contact us to arrange sessions in other languages.
  • Blend of theoretical content and practical exercises in virtual or traditional classrooms.
  • Engage in practical activities through serious games and use-case studies.
  • Benefit from an experienced trainer throughout the course.
  • Continuous monitoring through practical activities.

The course will be held on the following date:

  • No scheduled sessions. 

  • The course fee is €1850 for classroom training.
  • Early bird price is €1480 if you book 60 or more calendar days before the start of the course.
  • All prices exclude VAT where applicable.
  • Full payment must be received 4 weeks prior to the session unless training is funded by an OPCO (applicable to France only).

For any queries regarding this session or to arrange a private session, please contact our Customer Success team by email 

How to register for the course:

  • Register online through the dedicated session webpage.
  • Pre-registration must be received at least 7 working days before the start of the session.
  • If the course requires a prerequisite, you will be required to take a test or participate in a telephone interview to validate your registration.

Cancellation policy:

  • You must give four weeks' written notice of cancellation to avoid a cancellation fee.
  • If you cancel within two to four weeks of the start of the course, you will be charged a 50% cancellation fee.
  • If you cancel within two weeks of the start of the course or do not show up for the course, you will not be refunded.
  • Name changes are accepted at any time.

Airbus Beyond cancellation policy:

  • Airbus Beyond reserves the right to cancel any course up to four weeks prior to course commencement.
  • If Airbus Beyond cancels a course, you will be fully refunded.
  • Airbus Beyond is not responsible for any other expenses incurred by course participants (i.e. airfare or hotel charges).

Disabled participants - mechanisms

Definition of disability under the French law of 11 February 2005

Article 114 of French law no. 2005-102 on equal rights and opportunities, participation and citizenship for people with disabilities defines the concept of disability: "For the purpose of this law, a disability is any limitation of activity or restriction on participation in social life suffered by a person in his or her environment as a result of a substantial, lasting or permanent impairment of one or more physical, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychological functions, a multiple disability or a disabling health condition". 

Airbus Beyond strives to make its training courses accessible to all

Examples of adaptations

  • Each participant receives and leaves with the course material and the course practical workbook ;
  • Access to a lift ; 
  • Access to dedicated parking spaces; 
  • Possibility of using an audio and/or visual recorder; 
  • Notes can be taken using a computer or tablet;
  • Possibility of getting help from external organisations such as LSF interpreters, note-taking aids, etc.

We advise you to discuss this with our training coordinators as soon as you register.

We work in partnership with independent organisations specialised in disability adaptations to ensure that we meet your needs as best as we can.

Le stagiaire en situation de handicap - dispositifs 

Définition du handicap selon la loi du 11 février 2005 

La loi n°2005-102 pour l'égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées a, dans son article 114 définit la notion de handicap :  « Constitue un handicap, au sens de la présente loi, toute limitation d'activité ou restriction de participation à la vie en société subie dans son environnement par une personne en raison d'une  altération substantielle, durable ou définitive d'une ou plusieurs fonctions physiques, sensorielles, mentales, cognitives ou psychiques, d'un polyhandicap ou d'un trouble de santé invalidant».  

Airbus Beyond s’efforce de rendre ses formations accessibles à tous

Exemples d’aménagements 

  • Chaque stagiaire dispose et repart avec le support de cours et le cahier de travaux pratiques de la formation suivie ;
  • Accès à un ascenseur ;  
  • Accès à des places de parking dédiées ;  
  • Utilisation possible d’un enregistreur audio et/ou visuel ;  
  • Prise de notes possible par ordinateur ou tablette ;  
  • Possibilité de faire intervenir des organismes extérieurs d'aide tels que des interprètes en LSF, des aides à la prise de notes, etc 

Des délais d’instruction sont nécessaires avant la mise en place de ces différents dispositifs, nous vous conseillons d'en parler dès  l'inscription à nos coordinateurs de formation. 

Si toutefois les aménagements proposés n’étaient pas suffisants pour vous permettre de suivre nos formations, nous nous verrions dans l’obligation d’annuler votre inscription et de vous proposer une réorientation vers d’autres solutions via notre réseau de  partenaires associatifs locaux. 

Any questions?

Contact Us